जगात वेगवेगळी माणसे असतात. सगळीच मजेशीर, आगळी, वेगळी. त्यांच्या आयुष्यातले प्रसंग बनवतात त्यांच्या गोष्टी, काही गोष्टी जगप्रसिद्ध , काही आठवणीत हरवलेल्या तर काही हृदयाच्या कोपरात लपलेल्या .अश्या मजेशीर लोकांच्या आंबट, गोड़ , चमचमीत गोष्टी आपल्याला हसवायला, हसवताहसवता डोळ्यात टिचकन पाणी आणायला आणि गप्पा रंगवायला येत आहेत आमचा नवीन मराठी पॉडकास्ट गोलगप्पा with Trupti Khamkar वर.Part interview, part comedy, and a whole lotta fun Golgappa is IVMs first Marathi podcast hosted by actress and comedian Trupti Khamkar. She sits down with interesting people to talk about their origins, interests, and some sweet and sour conversations.Listen to the first episode out on 16th JanuaryYou can follow Trupti Khamkar on Instagram actortruptiYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: https://goo.gl/tGYdU1 or iOS: https://goo.gl/sZSTU5You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com/
Every Maharashtrian household has one silent yet significant witness in the family, Kalnirnay. This week Trupti is joined by Shakti Salgaokar. She is the Executive Director of Kalnirnay who tells us the story of how this publication came into being...
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