U/A 7+ • Romance • Drama • Originals • 2021
Agni, a doctor, crosses paths with Vayu, an investment banker, and the two start to like each other. Together, they try to decipher the mysterious deaths of those who were close to them.
Dr. Agni works at city hospital Delhi. Vayu an investor banker takes an accident victim at the same hospital and instantly likes Agni. Vayu takes meeting Agni as a sing from Ganpati.
Agni and Vayu spends time as Vayu’s filght is delayed. They get to know each other. Agni’s father is an idol and a renowned doctor. There is intrigue about him when he is arrested by police in Bengal. The spark between Agni and Vayu is mutual however they take leave of each other with the promise of not following each other and leave their next meeting on God.
Vayu comes back to Mumbai to find himself in crisis. His boss Gajendra runs away after a financial scam. Vayu’s senior associate Prakash bhai dies of heart attack. Vayu promises Prakash bhai before death to marry his daughter Kavya
Agni misses Vayu and she decides to break the promise by stalking Vayu online. She reaches him but Vayu who is in his own whirl wind of emotions doesn’t revert to her.
Vayu finally calls Agni to meet her but leaves without meeting her. He commits to Kavya and declares that love can happen gradually between them. Agni confused about Vayu decides to visit him.
Agni break down after she comes to know kavya vayu getting married .Agni asks father if he is in financial trouble but father dutches her questions. Tapovan hires vayu as his men for collection agent. Vayu comes to pick up agni car
Agni vayu car parking lot scene continue. Agni asks father about car being picked bcoz of non payment of car. Vayu asks naitik to enquire about virendra awasthi financial condition. Vayu comes to know shakti has slapped kavya
Vayu comes to know about shakti slapping kavya . Vayu is asked to pick up doctor awasthi car. Vayu reaches Awasthi household where 30th anniversary party is in full swing , vayu enters agni house. Dr Awasthi has left the party and agni notices vayu
Agni vayu confrontation in the party ...along with their emotional moment exchange. Vayu leaves party in search of dr Awasthi n finds his car. Agni Calls father but he is not answering. Parallelly we show kavya gets call and she leaves house late night lying that I am goin out with Vayu.
Agni Calls her father but vayu picks up.Vayu also gets to know kavya has disappeared lying that he is goin out with vayu. Both Kavya and Awasthi have disappeared.
Agni after much resistance from Arya puts a missing complaint for her father. Vayu goes to do Kavya’s missing report at the same police station. Vayu is held responsible and is jailed by Agni for the disappearance of Dr. Awasthi
Vayu gets released and he gets a call from Kavya from an unknown no. Agni follows Vayu who has gotten a clue about Kavya using a phone to call him from Lonavala’ s garage.
Vayu reaches at Ansari garage to find out truth behind Kavya’s call. Agni also reaches there which surprises Vayu. Vayu gets to know about a car in which Kavya was seen by the garage mechanic whose phone Kavya had used.
Vayu unwillingly give lift to Agni who followed him in a private cab and doesn’t have a way to go back to Mumbai due to strike. Agni and Vayu end up spending time together after their car breaks down. They have emotional romantic moment at dhaba.
Back home, Dr. Awasthi’s financial crisis has come into fore. Agni decides to pay the creditors of her father. She goes to a shady money lender called Kishori Seth. We reveal Sidhant, Dr. Awasthi’s best friend as the culprit behind Agni’s trouble.
Vayu is able to trace the vehicle in which Kavya was seen on Highway with Naitik’s help. Agni signs Kishori Seth’s paper in lieu of money which also includes a blank paper. Vayu reaches the destination where Kavya was captive.
Kavya is not at the bunglow. Vayu dfollows the lead further but couldn’t reach and save Kavya. Kavya is found dead on beach. Agni hears the news of Kavya’s death.
Vayu goes to Kavya’s guitar class in search of any clue about her death where the teacher hands him over a diary and tells Vayu that Kavya had told to give this diary to the person who comes searching for me.
The number found by Vayu in Kavya’s diary leads him to an old clinic which is Dr. Awasthi’s first clinic
Agni has Kishori Seth men come to the house and create ruckus. The family calls uncle Siddhant for help who suggests to keep a body guard till Dr. Awasthi returns home.
The doctor at the clinic tells Vayu that Kavya used to visit them for her kidney treatment. Vayu distracts the doctor and clicks a picture of Kavya’s medical records from the laptop screen. Agni tries to cheer Ananya up but she’s too upset. Vayu shows the medical records to Manvi and Kartik and says that he is sure Kavya has been murdered. Kartik is worried about Vayu and tells him not to lose himself in all of this. Vayu calls Naitik and asks him to meet at a Cafe. Agni to takes Ananya out to the same cafe. Vayu tells Naitik about Inspector Rohini. The postmortem report arrives at the police station right before Vayu gets there. The report declares that Kavya committed suicide. Agni hears about the report on the news.
3 goons barge into Agni’s house to collect the EMI she owes to Kishore Seth. They threaten Agni and mess up her house as a warning. Agni and family turn to Siddhanth for help and he tells Tapovan to arrange for a bodyguard for Agni and her family. Tapovan appoints Vayu as their bodyguard. Agni and Vayu get into a big argument where Vayu accuses Agni of trying to get him into her house as a bodyguard on purpose, unaware that Agni had no clue about it. As Vayu leaves, Agni hears him mention Awasthi’s name on a call and she’s intrigued wondering whether he knows something about her father.
Agni follows Vayu. She then gets a call from Nandini saying Ananya isn’t opening her room door. Agni leaves for home. The family is worried for Ananya. Rohini comes to Agni’s house with a watch and asks her to check whether it is Awasthi’s watch. Agni confirms that the watch isn’t her father’s and the family is relieved. Siddhanth comes to the house and Rohini questions him about who he is. Siddhanth says he is family. Agni tells Rohini that Vayu has been appointed as their bodyguard and Vayu walks into the house with his bags.
Siddhanth introduces Vayu as the bodyguard. Nandini tells Agni to show Vayu the guest room. Agni takes Vayu to the room and asks him why he changed his decision and agreed to be their bodyguard. Vayu doesn’t respond to her and Agni mumbles to herself that she will find out why he has come to her house. Agni tells Mehul to sneak Vayu’s call list from his phone.At night Vayu goes out of the room to look for something but he sees Nandini and pretends to be getting water. While Vayu is out Mehul tries to get the call list from his phone but is unable to do it in time. Once Vayu falls asleep, Agni goes to his room and gets the numbers from his phone.
Agni gets Caught with Vayu’s phone in hand but she makes an excuse and leaves. Vayu mumbles that he has to find out why she was in his room at midnight. Siddhanth tells Tapovan that he wants every little detail about Awasthi’s family and their activities. Agni tells Mehul to find out about a number she got from Vayu’s phone. Kishore Seth’s goons come again to trouble Agni but Vayu fights them. Ananya and the family thank him for his help. Agni helps Vayu with ointment and thanks him for protecting her family. Mehul tells Agni that the number she found on Vayu’s phone was that of her father’s old clinic.
The Doctor comes to the Awasthi Mansion. Aarya chalenges Agni to get help form anywhere and only If she manages to get help can she continue 30 charity and free treatments . Vayu tells Agni that he is only helping her because he really wants to help the poor. At night Vayu comes to the hall and sees a shadow.
Priya tells Siddhant that Aarya has agreed for 48 hours. Siddhanth in his Anger takes a hammer and breaks Awasthi and Agnis picture. Vayu agrees to help Agni but Agni says that even though she wants his help she doesnt trust him. Aarya appoints kartik as the lawyer in the Kishor Seth case. Kartik is shocked to see Vayu in the Awasthi Mansion posing as their bodyguard.
Kartik is evidently upset to see Vayu in the Awasthi mantion and asks him why he lied. Kartik tells Vayu that Agni doesnt get help from anywhere so she runs to him for help. Aarya forces Agni to sign some papers but Vayu comes in time and stops Agni.
In her anger, Aarya shreds files and papers in her room. Agni tries to calm her down but Aarya says to her that as long they have a difference in Values between them they can never come close. Priya tells Siddhanth that Agni has won. Nandini thanks Vayu for saving the hospital and tells him hes like Awasthi. Mehul tells Aarya that if shes not winning she shouldnt let the other person win either. Agni questions Vayu, why hes helping her and he says its because he wants to help poor people.
While brushing Agnis hair Nandini tells her that she spoke to Vayu and that Dr.Awasthi came up in conversation where Vayu said he felt like he already knew Awasthi. Agni goes to Vayus room and questions him about his activities. Vayu gives her some paperfor work and Agni seems shoked. Vayu follows a shadow. Its Mehuls Shadow. Mehul had told him about a secret locker Ananya had also told him about the study room. Agni goes towards the study room. Vayu enters the study room and finds a potrait on the wall behind which is a hidden cabinet.
Nandini tells Vayu about the study room.Vayu goes to the study room and finds a secret cabinet hidden behind a portrait. Agni comes to the study the room and from the audience pov it seems like Agnii sees Vayu but Vayu hides in time. Agni takes a file and sits there to read it and talks to Priya on call while Vayu hides behind the book rack and watches her. After hanging up, Agni gets emotional looking at a picture of her father and speaks to it. Vayu comes out if hiding and offers her his handkerchief. Agni looks surprised to see him. After Vayu leaves Agni mumbles to herself wondering whether he came there because he saw her crying or did he have another motive. Agni goes to the kitchen and hugs her mother. Aarya comes there sudden and both Agni and Nandini seen worried for her. Vayu calls naitik and says he found the locker in study room.
Vayu tells Naitik about the study room and the hidden cabinet he found. Suddenly Siddhants voice is heard. Siddhant comes to the Awasthi house and says an about IT raid is going to happen, so any illegal documents that are in the house should be given to him to keep away and return after the raid. Nandni goes to the study room and checks the files in the locker. Vayu watches her curiously. Agni comes there and pulls Vayu away.Nandini tells Siddhant that there are no illegal documents in the house. Siddhant leaves saying he will inform them when the IT raid is going to happen. Vayu calls Naitik and ask him to findbout when the IT raid is going to happen. Nandini talks to Vayu and says shes worried about Ananya. Vayu consoles her and says hes making a video for Ananya.
Vayu asks Mehul to help him shoot a video for Ananya. Mehul starts anchoring and Vayu records with a handycam. They shoot an introduction of Aarya in her room, of Nandini in the study room, where she keeps a key in a box and the introduction of Agni, while shooting which Vayu recites some poetry. Vayu then leaves and Agni is lost in thought. Tapovan shows pictures of the people who are ready to take the IT raid. The next morning while Vayu is working out Mehul goes to him and says that they got many likes and comments on the video. Vayu watches the video on his Phone where he notices where Nandini is keeping the locker key. Vayu informs Naitik about it. Agni meets Mehul and tells him to forward that video to her. Vayu goes to the study room to look for the keys.Mehul follows him, Vayu sees Mehul and goes out into the garden where he meets Aarya. Vayu says something to Aarya and Mehul watches them. Aarya angrily tells him to come inside.
Arya gets angry on Mehul and takes phone from him. Agni and Vayu are talking about video. Mehul calls and tels agni that Vayu is said something to Arya that’s why she is not letting him go out of room or call anyone... Vayu is restless for the key when everyone sleeos. He goesto study room for looking for it but doesn’t find anything but he sees a shadow in a hood and catches the person who turn out to be Priya. Vayu catches Mehul and Priya together and blackmails Mehul to get keys from Agni.
Agni sleeps while working... Seeing her tired vayu keeps a coffee for her. Agni wakes up and then both of them starts talking with RJ in background... They both think of old times. New Morning Vayu tells mehul to get the key. Mehul goes to Agnis room to find keys but Agni comes there. Mehul tells vayu that he cant do that... Agni sees Mehul and Vayu talk from far off and then she confronts Vayu. Both get into a Challenge with each other. Agni says that i will know your secret and vayu says that no one will stop me and i will reach my destiny in front of you...”
Arya Mehul shouting saying chuho ne chize kaat ke kharab Ki... Vayu calls a pest control agent...Naitik come in a disguise of pest control agent.. Everyone is sent out and Vayu in pretext of helping for pest control stays inside the house with Naitik. Both are in Agni’s room searching key when suddenly they hear police siren. Vaishnavi arrives with Agni inside the house. Naitik and Vayu gets shocked..
Vaishnavi doubts on Naitik, Agni gives files to Vaishnavi and they both leave...Naitik and Vayu start the search again. They are in study room when Agni comes there and leaves the keys for them intentionally. Vayu knows the keys are not for the safe. Naitik that she kept this intentionally. Nandini tells Agni that she cant find Vayu since the pest control. Agni wonders where Vayu is At Kartik’s house, we see Arya is talking to Kartik in the context of case where Manvi comes and collide and a picture of Vayu’s falls on the ground. We freeze on whether Arya will get to know the truth of Vayu who is at her house as bodyguard.
Agni to Vayu you lied to Manvi also that you are there in Delhi”, for which Vayu replies why you called my sister”.... Vayu gets a call from Manvi and he lies about being in Delhi. After cutting the call Vayu tells Agni that soon the answers of every questions will be revealed. Vayu comes in hall where Nandini scolds him the same way like mother does. Both gets emotional ... Manvi tells Kartik that she want to go for Delhi to meet Vayu. For which Kartik gives her various excuses and cut the conversation. Meanwhile Naitik asks Vayu to come back home and also assure him that he will manage to find solutions to Kavyas murder. Agni to Mehul now this is the only trick of knowing Vayus plan and she stares at wine bottle. Agni has a plan in mind. At the same time Vayu also looks at the bottle and plans something.
Vayu is walking through the corridor...he has the bottle of whiskey in his hand..Right that moment, Agni from the other end of the corridor with her bottle of wine in her hand. They both come face to face and stops surprised seeing each other with bottle. Both sitting with together having the drink. After too much of awkwardness Vayu starts drinking and Vayu in his drunken state ended up telling Agni that there is a link to your father and Kavya’s death. We freeze on shocked Agni.
In the morning, Vayu comes in his senses and Agni asks him to complete the conversation from last night. Vayu answers Agni that Kavya and Dr.Awasthi have a connection. And he also tells her bout landline number which he found at Kavya’s notebook which was of Dr. Awasthi’s first clinic. Vayu tells that Naitik and Vayu had both visited to the old clinic and have gathered all the information which links Kavya and Dr. Awasthi. For which Agni replies Vayu that I dont trust you. Vayu takes Agni to the old clinic where the junior doctor spits all the truth… Vayu shows Agni the CCTV footage where Kavya has come to the clinic with a red file… Agni in disbelief.
Vayu tells Agni that the red file is what he is been searching for in Agni’s house for the clues. Agni and Vayu comes back to the house... They see that the house is in complete turmoil... Mehul tells them that the raid of income tax was conducted and they took everything including the jewelry and all the files from the secret lockerAgni and Vayu are suspicious about the raid as the IT people took all the jewelry inspite of presenting all the bills. Agni calls Vaishnavi and Vayu calls Naitik. They both get to know that the raid was fake. ... Agni and Vayu see all the files missing, there is no red file.
Vayu Agni are talking to each other.. Mehul informs them the car is of white color with red stripe .. Agni /Vayu informing Naitik/Vaishnavi regarding the car .. and start searching for the car.. Car is in a garage Where Naitik and Vayu reach..Both have fight with goons, in which Naitik gets hurt with knife and Vayu gets hurt from bullet...Agni ,Vaishnavi also reaches there..The goons run away..Agni Vayu romantic momentAgni vayu ko scarf bandhti hai ..Vaishnavi says to Agni to take Vayu in the police jeep and go to the hospital...and tell Naitik to come with her with her and takes under the innova ...Here Tapovan informs Siddhant that the goons have fled but the car is still there, on which Siddhant gets angry...Agni is dressing Vayu and tells him to rest...But Vayu tells him that I will not rest till I get the red file and Vaishnavi brings the red file there..
Vaishnavi and Agni check out the red file, but they dont get anything..Vayu asks them to give the file and they both leave..Vayu checks the sketch in the file and the sees the dr. prescription and he remembers Kavyas flashback ... where he decoded the code..He starts decoding the code and leaves the hospital..Agni Vaishnavi saw him going..Agni Vaishnavi goes after Vayu...decoded Vayu reaches the given address.. Agni Vaishnavi also reaches there..Due to some sound Vayu saw Agni Vaishnavi and tells her why did you come here...Both get into an argument...then decide that all three will go to different places and find them..Vaishnavi and Vayu does not get anything...Agni comes to a room, where she finds Dr Awasthis bloodstained clothes and she screams...Hearing her voice, Vayu Vaishnavi also reaches there..
After seeing blood stains on Doctor Awasthis clothes Vaishnavi assumes doctor isnt existing in this world and share this with Agni... Agni goes out avoiding Vayu and Vaishnavis statements ..Vayu follows her to talk to her.. Both of them get into an argument and the Agni goes out. It has happened, Agni cope ups herself and reaches home ... Agni locks herself in the room and starts crying with Papas picture.. Vayu outside asks him to open the door..she doesnt open the door. Mehul also comes there.. Vayu gets Naitiks call..Vayu tells Naitik to talk together... Tells everything about the old bungalow,red file,Awasthi’s cloth.. then Kartik becomes there.. Kartik is tensed after hearing all the things..
Arya gives voice to Agni.. There is an argument between the two sisters.. Arya leaves.. Agni goes to tell Nandani everything, but topic changes karti hai.. Vayu is standing at the door watching all this. Vayu comes to his room to talk to Agni but Agni doesnt listen to him.Agni says my papa is alive Ill find him and she breaksdown saying this..Vayu moves towards her seeing her crying..He comforts her..Agni ka phone rings..moment break ho Jata.. Vayu leaves saying her to take rest.. Agni gets a call from an unknown number. He tells her that, she has got his fathers clothes, now is the time to wash away his sins... Agni shocked..Agni comes to him to inform Vayu..as soon as he was about to talk to him that her phone rings...that thing leaves without informing...
Agni is talking to the blackmailer in her room..where Mystery man tell her to come to the same place where his fathers clothes were found..Agni holds the phone and looks at Vayu in front, but hides all this from Vayu. ..Kartik shows Vayu some papers and says that, Kavya kisi amogh Latkar milti thi. ..Vayu takes the address from Kartik and goes to meet Amogh...Agni also reaches where Joker said, in the split screen we show, Agni comes outside the dilapidated bunglow and Vayu reaches outside Amoghs house...
Vayu reaches inside the house, Agni also opens the door reaching inside the dilapidated bungalow. Vayu saw in room..lots of kavyas pics...IC Agni box open krti hai jisme Awasthi ke drugs ke sath photos hoti hai..IC Vayu catches him and tells her to tell the truth... Amogh says that Kavya was my girlfriend, she had financial problems, so she used to sit with big clients, hearing this, Vayu shocked .. In IC Joker tells Agni that this is your fathers truth.. Agni denies it.. Joker says that your father brought my drugs worth 30 crores.. Agni gets shocked hearing this.. ..Agni is disturbed in his room. He remembers flashes of photos of Dr. Awasthi with drugs, Vayu also disturbed and walk into road use Amogh ki bate yaad ati hai. ..Both call each other to inform everything..but phone is busy..
Agni prays to Bappa in her room that all this should false and my father returns home safely..Agni decides that she will go to the hospital and find drugs. On which Naitik tells Vayu, that no one knows Kavya better than you, so how did you get into her talks... Vayu again goes to meet Amogh at his house..Agni is disturbed about drugs..He reaches the hospital Where he collides with the Wardboy..Agni shouts at him thinking the salt packet that fell from his hands as a drug..he tells her that it is salt and leaves from there.. Agni is looking for drugs in Doctor Awasthis cabin..she finds a packet It is what ,.she is shocked ... . Agni quickly opens that packet but it has gloves in it.Vayu at Amogh place.he saw him with another girl..Amogh After Seeing Vayu, he runs away.. Vayu follows him.Amogh ko jokar gadise uda deta hai... Vayu shocked..
Vayu tells Naitik about Amogh accident and says whether Doctor Awasthi or Amogh ..will find Kavyas murderer..Siddhant Nandini asks Arya that all this happened but why you guys didnt tell me this. But says to Vayu that if you knew about the fake raid, then tell us the name too, you tell the name, well hand it over to the police.. Hearing which Siddhant is surprised and he starts to act like breathless and excuses out of there.. Arya comes to talk to Agni in her room where she got to know from Agni that Dr Awasthis bloodstained clothes have been found..Arya tells this to Nandini..Nandini gets angry with Agni and leaves. . agni get too hurt ..
Agni is very much hurt..She still searches for drug related clues at Awasthis room ..Vayu tells Kartik about Kavya and Amoghs accident..Arya comes to the cafe to meet Kartik..Kartik Vayu ko jane ke liye kehta hai.... Vayu goes for Arya and Vayus hit miss..Agni is talking to Mystery man in her room so there comes the voice of Vayu, with whom you are talking so tensely...Agni shocked..she lied... She says that she was talking to Vaishnavi and leaves from there...
Agni is talking to the Mystery man on the phone... Vayu hears everything from behind.. Agni lies to him that he is the mystery man asking for money and he hides the drug thing from Vayu..Vayu also tells him It is that he has also hidden 1 truth about Kavya.. Together they plan to catch that mystery man.. Agni tries to talk to Nandini, Nandini ignore her...Agni leaves from there. .. Vayu says to Agni, give some time to your mom thik hone ke liye and cheerup her ..and goes to meet Naitik..
Priya tells Siddhant that Arya is making some big plan to take over the hospital..Vayu along with Naitik plan to catch the Mystery man...Agni Vayu is talking to each other about the mystery man. Agni tell about drugs to Vayu..that Mystery mans call comes…She says lie to Mystery man....you have got your thing…tell me where to come... Mystery man calls Siddhant and says that tomorrow you will get your item...In the Morning Joker montage of being ready...Agni Vayu both wait for the Mystery mans phone. Mystery man use ek jagah aane ke liye kehta hai...Naitik Vayu dono usi jagah Agni ka wait krte hai...Here the Agni starts going that place...,Vaishnavi comes at the door...Agni tensed..
Agni asks Arya to stop troubling Vaishnavi..and also informs him that shes going out for important work..Agni reaches the address given by Joker.. didnt brought drugs so Joker takes out his gun and move towards Agni.. He pulls trigger an iron rod comes and hit the man on his hand... We revel its vayu, naitik behind him . . The Mask Man runs away from there.. Vayu runs after him to catch him.dramatic chase between both..,where the mask breaks ..the mask man runs away ..we reveals that marksman is kartik ..kartik is sitting in a car ..where we show both siddhant and kartik are together ... The car leaves Agni Vayu Naitik reaches there...Agni blames Vayu for all this and leaves from there...
Kartik is at Siddhanths place ..Siddhant asks kartik, who attacked you...to which here kartik shocked.. Arya shows Agni the report about the blood in Awasthis clothes..Kartik is shocked to see Vayu in front of him... Happens.. Vayu tells Kartik that the joker got out of hand.. Vayu sees the wound on Kartiks hand.. Kartik panics.. Kartik hides the truth and cover it up the matter and says I am slipped aur uske wajah se ye chot lagi....In the hospital Agni treats the drug addict and he leaves.. She asks Priya to bring the blueprints and give them.. Arya talks to the same patient and makes a plan with him..
Naitik tells Vayu the real name and details of Amogh.. Amogh is drug dealer and his name is VYog Khurana...Patient comes to Agnis house and tells her that they gave wrong injection to Agni and creates a spectacle...because of which Nandini gives all the charges of the hospital to Arya...Vayu gets the address of Amoghs house from the patient...Vayu goes to that address...Vayu gets Kavyas doctor id..Vayu stunned to see It.. IC Agni is very much hurt.. Agni checks medical articles on her laptop and talks to papas photo...Mehul comes there Agni leaves without talking to him..
Mehul informs Vayu that Agnis mental state is not hes sure about ... went to the balcony without talking..Vayu moves towards the balcony...Vayu thinks that she is going to give up his life, thats why he pulls her behind .... First time with Agni, Vayu tells about his past. He talks to Agni about his family. Maanvi talks about marrying Vayu with a bandage on Kartiks hand. Agni notices a room in the blueprint which is in the basement. ... Vayu tells Naitik about Kavyas doctor id..and he decides that he will know only after going to the hospital...Siddhant comes to the Agnis house.. Vayus room ki talashi karta hai...he gets an orange Color kurta is available at Vayus wardrobe..which smells of smoke bomb. ..he remembers flash.. Kartik told him that I didnt see the face of the attacker but he was wearing orange color clothes and I run away from their by using smoke bomb... Siddhant looks furious.
Vayu is asking receptionist about Kavya..there Priya comes…He leaves in Agni cabin by lying to Priya…Priya tells Agni that Vayu is waiting for you in your cabin.. .agni Vayu hit and miss here..agni open the cabin door.There is no one there...Agni and Vayu are both in basements...Vayu Tells to Agni also shows Kavyas ID to Agni...both reach near a secret door..Vayu opens the door with Kavyas ID.. both are shocked..
We reveal the room is fully filled with large small cartoons Boxes.. Vayu checks the boxes in the room..Agni use wahase jane ke liye kehti hai.....Vayu ko drug packet milta hai..Agni tells Vayu that the blackmailer said him to bring drugs … not money...She apologizes to Vayu that she hide this thing...both sit in Agnis cabin and talk about what to do next, then Vayu sees a shadow on the door, both of them shocked to seeing shadow..
Vayu an Agni see priya outside the door ... Priya lies and leaves from there... Priya informs Siddhant about the news of Agni Vayu... In Ic the restaurant, Vayu tells Kartik about catching the blackmailer...Kartik tries to provoke Vayu against Agni, but Vayu says that Agni cannot do anything like this and as far as the blackmailer is concerned, I will find him.. Kartik panics.IC Agni Vayu talks about what to do next in Agnis room....at that time blackmailers call comes and he threatens Vayu to stay away from all this matter or else you and your family and your friend sb ke jaan ko khatra ho sakta hai... And the phone hangs...
Vayu comes to Naitiks house, seeing the condition of the house, feels that the blackmailer has done something to Naitik...But seeing Naitik in front, hugs him and tells the blackmailers words to him.. Maanvi tells to Kartik ,she is worried about kartik and Vayu ...Kartik will bring Siddhant drugs, he says to siddhant on phone... Ic at the dining table Nandini tells to Agni to give all the hospital charges and management to Arya..Agni is hurt and leave from there ....Vayu and Agni both talk while eating pani puri at pani puri stall..Agni emotionally shares fathers memories with Vayu and then tells her mothers talk to Vayu... Vayu use samjata hai.. Agni that give time for things to settle down and as far as mother is concerned, give time to mother too. And both of them leave there and go to sit in the car, then suddenly a car is near the Vayu and passes fast...Vayus accident.. Vayu bach jata hai.. And has shown Vayu almost getting run over by the car driven by Siddhant Goons...
Vayu comes to the restaurant to meet Kartik.. tells him that we should inform the police about the blackmailer. ..Agni asks Naitik to Vayu ko smajvo and also tells him about Vayus accident…Naitik tells Agni that Vayu does not listen to anyone..He does what is on his mind.. Agni comes home seeing Kartik and calls Vayu not to come home, on which Vayu tells Agni that Jiju knows everything...Agni Kartik se baat krte waqt uske hath pr chot dekhti hai.. ..Kartik tells Agni that I slipped so it all hurt..Agni see kartik walking away from the house...she disturbed..keeps starring at him...the joker flashes of keeps repeating in her mind...Vayu asks about the drugs peddler Naitiks informer...Informer says to Vayu As soon as I know something, I will inform you first..
Jiju is the blackmailer Agni tells to Vayu..and I saw a bean mark on his hand which says Vayu gets angry on Agni and leaves..Agni gets a call from Joker..She tells Kartik that dont do anything to Vayus family I will keep them away from this and Kartik ko ye pat chalta hai Vayus accident..from Agni...next Morning...Agni comes to Kartiks house to clear his doubts...Kartiks room While searching he finds an audio device changer...
Agni leaves by keeping that device the same....Agni goes out, Kartik comes..buildings ext Agni kartik hit miss ... Manvi tells Kartik that Agni had come to the house, on which Kartik runs to his room and checks the audio device. hai...now Kartik is convinced that Agni has doubts on him..Agni tells Naitik about the audio device changer...Naitik tells Agni that we cant tell Vayu about Kartik until all the proofs are found....Kartik tells Vayu to stay away from all this matter, but Vayu doesnt listen to him.. .Nandini in the kitchen is preparing a cake for Agnis birthday..thats when Vayu comes there..Nandini tells Vayu that if Awasthi were there today, Agnis birthday would be celebrated with pomp...vayu v/o we Will celebrate..
Vayu plans Agnis birthday party with Mehul..Agni is in her room thinking about the blackmailer and Kartik, then Vayu comes there..Vayu thinks that Agni is waiting for the familys come and wish krenge...He leaves her saying good night..Agni remembers flashes of her birthday..she walks towards the hall..surprised to come downstairs and see the decorations and cakes..she celebrated her birthday with family. Reminds of flash..Vayu comes in front of him and wish her a birthday...Agni Vayu Romantic Moment..Agni says thanks to Vayu...new Morning...Agni wakes up and opens the gift box placed in front..its Laughing Buddha ...Agni says thank you to Vayu for the gift and birthday surprise of the night..On this he tells Vayu that I have to do what I say today...agni confused..
Vayu gifts sari to Agni and said her to wear it for birthday party today....Kartik tells Manvi the truth about Vayu, that he is not going to Delhi..Working as body guard in Awasthi Mansion ...Maanvi gets angry..Agni tries to wear saree in her room..IC Mehul and vayu doing birthday decoration in hall..Vayu comes to Agnis room and helps Agni to wear saree. ..romantic moment between...vayu, mehul waits for Agni in Hall...door bell ring.....Agni opens the door.. Seeing Manvi at the door, both Agni and Vayu are shocked..
Maanvi asks him to go home with her, Vayu denies Maanvi..and says I will not go anywhere until my motive is fulfilled..on which Manvi gets angry on Agni and Vayu. She leaves from there… Arya Nandini returns home...Arya leaves after taunting Agni and Vayu.. Vayu remembers Manvis words.. Agni consoles Vayu.. and says thanks for the birthday celebration and for a beautiful gift.. ..Agni tells Vayu I want this gift too I will keep it, where I keep all the gifts given by my father...
Tapovan Siddhant gives details about Vayus family..Siddhant tells him to keep an eye on Kartik and Vayu.....Nandini brings a small cake for Agni and wishes her a birthday...Vayu stands by the door and watches all this..Next morning..Kartik calls Agni and asks about drugs..Agni tells him that there were no drugs in the hospital,. There are only empty boxes..I will give the drugs to him as soon as possible..Vayu comes to Kartiks office to talk to him.. He asks Kartik why did you tell didi the truth..While talking, Kartiks eyes go to the cupboard..which has mask and coat.. .Vayu doesnt see him anywhere, so Kartik complicates him and closes the cupboard...Just then Tapovans number flashes...Kartik says Vayu to wait in the cabin and goes downstairs...Agni asks Naitik to get the calling details traces of Kartik and the blackmailer...Tapovan leaves after talking to Kartik. Kartik Turns... Surprised to see the Vayu in front..Kartik tensed...
Vayu has come from Agni to meet Kartik ...Jiju was looking more stressed to him today. He says... Agni leaves without saying anything to Vayu... Maanvi and Kartik have an argument about Vayu... Agni thinks what to do to find out whether Naitik blackmailer and Kartik are one or not..Agni tells Vayu to step back from this case...she tells him indirectly that I dont want to lose you...but Vayu doesnt listen to her and tells her that I will do anything and catch that blackmailer. Will stay...Naitik checks the CCTV footage in Kartiks building and gets shooked...Agni tries to cook something in the kitchen, Vayu comes and helps him...Romantic Moment...Agnis phone rings hai...moment breaks..she starts hiding the phone from the Vayu and leaves from there...
Agni comes to meet Naitik by lying to Vayu...Naitik shows him the CCTV footage of Kartiks house...which makes both of them suspicious of Kartik...Agni is thinking something, asks Vayu ..Agni hides Kartiks truth from Vayu...Vayu tells Agni that if we want to find that joker then we have to work together and live together...Siddhant tells Kartik to give drugs to the client..Maanvi Kartik go out of the house Sees...Agni Vayu are talking to each other when the informers call comes....
Agni Vayu makes Mehul lie out of the house.. Arya provokes Nandini against Agni Vayu.. Informer is keeping an eye on Joker...Kartik goes inside the warehouse and gives drugs to the client...Agni Vayu there Arrives.. Manvi calls Vayu and asks about Kartik... Vayu calls Kartik and says didi is calling you, where are you Jiju... then Kartik hears Vayus background sound. Is...Kartik asks Vayu where is he Kartik gets alert after hearing Vayu at the same place.
01 March 2021
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