A figure of beauty and royalty, the peacock symbolism often appears in our mythological tales. The snake is closely linked with Lord Shiva, and there are also a number of stories depicting snakes as evil and wicked creatures. The eagle, on the other hand, is depicted as being extremely powerful and gifted with immortality. Delve deeper into some fascinating stories of these majestic animals from our scriptures on this episode of Animals in Mythology.
In Hindu mythology, some animals occupy an exalted status. Devi Durga’s vehicle of choice, the tiger, is considered to be spiritually evolved. The lion, another majestic and ferocious creature, is one of the fiercest avatars of Vishnu. The bear another wild, fearless, and courageous beast forms an integral part in Hindu mythology.
The first avatar of Vishnu, the fish is part of many Indian legends and appears often in Hindu iconography. The rat is Lord Ganesha’s chosen vehicle and there are some intriguing stories of how that came to be. The boar another avatar of Vishnu is usually portrayed as a feisty beast. The tortoise is depicted as the epitome of patience and stability. Learn more about the legends surrounding these intriguing creatures in this episode of Animals in Mythology.
31 July 2020
Mythology, Mystery, Fantasy