Plastic waste is everywhere, not only in landfills. It is also found in remote areas, and in oceans. But are there natural substitutes Can nature help us to get rid of plastic waste Our topic on this edition of Eco India.
Global hunger for energy is increasing with every passing year. Unless we make the switch to renewables, we will soon end up in climate disaster. But renewable energy also comes at a cost. This week, we take a more critical look at this alternative.
For many women worldwide, climate change and environmental destruction are very real, and often threaten their livelihoods. Which paths are they taking to protect the climate and have sustainable and successful lives
A fast, fuelguzzling car, a trendy new outfit every few weeks – not long ago, those were a primary aims for many of us. But things are changing. Now, we want ecars and sustainable clothing. Were changing our lifestyle. So, is it for the better
Recycling, riding a bike instead of driving, protesting for change despite all our efforts to help the environment, sometimes it feels like were fighting an uphill battle. But small, individual actions can make a difference. We meet people working against all odds to make a change
Urban migration is speeding up as people seek jobs and opportunities in our evergrowing cities. The challenges in making these urban centers sustainable continue to mount. So what can we do to make life in cities better for everyone
Balance of Nature and Human Impact Our ecosystem hangs in a fragile balance. When a species is gone, or the climate has changed, or a landscape is destroyed it will always have consequences for all of us. We need the right balance between human beings and everything else. Can humans balance their needs with those of the environment
Environmental justice : Clean air and water, a healthy ecosystem we all have a natural right to access these resources. But for many, its a distant dream. Is that fair How can we ensure environmental justice is served to those who most need it
Eco India The Environment Magazine Trees provide essential services shade, food, habitats and they are the lungs of the Earth. But they are disappearing at an alarming rate. There are people trying to save them. We meet these tree guardians in this weeks Eco India.Every tree counts in Delhi Scroll, neu Its not uncommon for trees to simply disappear in Delhi. Activists, there, are turning to censuses in a bid to save them. They provide a map of the trees and proof of their existence. Mining Europes lithium Nicole Ris, neu Mining Europes second biggest lithium deposit would give the entire continent the ability to power its own ecars and other electronic devices. But the Span
Food is the fuel of our existence. But the industrial production we use to get food has a severely negative impact on the environment. How can we change course so that future generations dont go hungry Find out in this weeks Eco India. Food nurseries help Indian women out of poverty Scroll, Neu Guava, lemon, coconut, mango growing these fruits could help rural women in West Bengal find a way out of poverty. An organization is giving them a helping hand, empowering women to set up their own nurseries. Explainer: Saving the worlds seeds Cornelia Boorrmann, Global 3000, Wdh 30.04.2021 Its risky to rely on a few varieties of crops. Climate change and disease pose threats that could one day wipe out any. Seed banks preserve as many strains of crop plants as they can. Some older strains are more resilient than current ones. Can we feed our population without chemical pesticides Aditi Rajagopal, Planet A Pesticides have been instrumental in feeding growing populations throughout history. But critics say they have also brought about poor health and the decimation of biodiversity. So can we do without them Keeping Indias traditional spices on the menu Scroll, Wdh. 31.12.2020 The globalized food industry has led to a shift away from traditional spices and greens. Few farmers now cultivate them. Through the revival project Sarjapura Curries, farmers and urban gardeners are learning to grow their own spices again.
Where you find water, trees, minerals, you often find people. Some communities have more access and this can be a boon and a curse. We meet the communities most impacted by our increasing hunger for natural resources. The true costs of coal mining in India Aditi Rajagopal, Planet A Mining coal is detrimental to the environment. But while policymakers and activists debate the development versus environment protection, communities who live close to mines face some devastating consequences. Explainer: The history of coal Ajit Niranjan, Planet A Growth in the West was largely powered by coal. But if we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we have to ditch fossil fuels. Asia is now the biggest consumer of coal — how can it quit its new addiction Bringing communities together with radio in India Scroll, Neu Uttarakhand is a state prone to catastrophic flooding and forest fires. Its hard for communities. But Kumaon Vani radio station connects people, helping them tackle environmental problems in the region.
Water is fundamental to life. Despite this basic need, almost half of the worlds population experience water shortages or drought. We look at ideas to use water sustainably. Restoring ancient water tanks to deal with drought Scroll, Neu Water tanks have historically been a way to deal with water shortages in parts of Indias Tamil Nadu state. But rapid urbanization has destroyed some. An organization is working with residents to restore and maintain the ancient tanks. Solving our plastic bottle problem Aditi Rajagopal, Planet A Around the world, approximately one million plastic bottles are bought every minute. Disposing of them is one of the biggest environmental challenges humans face. But has Germany found a sustainable solution Caring for Berlins city trees Julia Henrichmann, Wdhl. 27.11.2020 City trees lower temperatures and improve air quality. But climate change poses a threat to them. A project at Berlins CityLab has created a website showing residents which trees need water so they can help. From toilet to tap Scroll, Wdhl. 18.10.2019 Fresh, clean water from the tap is far from the norm in many countries. In India, many residents rely on water tanks for their daily needs. A company in Delhi is converting sewage water into drinking water. But barriers to acceptance are high
A simple plastic bag is used for only 15 minutes on average but it can last in a waste pile without decomposing for over a millennium. Think about that. Our world produces 300 million tonnes of plastic every year and it’s found everywhere in cities, in towns and in villages. It pollutes our land and our oceans. What can we do to eradicate our dependence on plastic
We are nearly 8 billion people here on earth. And we all need food grains, vegetables, fruits and meat. But most of the food we cultivate and most of the meat we eat creates a huge imbalance in our environment. Is environmentally friendly food for all a distant dream Are food substitutes sustainable and safe Can humans unlearn old food habits to adopt new ones which could help our planet thrive
Nothing on our planet can survive without water. Yet in most parts of the world, it’s scarce. The global water crisis is threatening millions of people and their livelihoods. But there are ways to combat water scarcity.
The world produces 2 billion tons of garbage every year. Almost half is disposed of unsustainably. Fed up with mismanaged waste, people in India are taking the fight against trash into their own hands.
Whether it’s from the sun in the sky or the waste on our land, energy generated from renewable sources is already shaping the sustainable energy systems of tomorrow. On this edition of Eco India, we explore some gamechanging technologies.
Farmers everywhere face increasingly volatile weather, making it harder for them to produce the food we eat. Some have found traditional or experimental methods can help them withstand the pressures of climate change.
Women bear a disproportionate burden of the climate crisis. Gender inequalities are largely to blame. We meet women tackling both the root causes and the effects of the crisis.
75 of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050. But that isnt a guarantee of survival for all existing cities. The more attractive, sustainable and environmentally friendly they are, the better their chances for prosperity. What needs to be done today to ensure that cities of the future are environmentally sustainable
Our earth is bountiful: her forests, soil and seas provide us with food and the natural capital our economies are built on. But everincreasing production, consumption and the relentless use of resources are fueling our biggest environmental problems. How can we balance the needs of society, our economy, and ecology
The UN is calling plastic pollution an ‘epidemic’ and there’s no question that it’s impacting our health and ecosystems. While nations seek a global cure, there are people already implementing remedies of their own.
The challenges of climate change seem to be having an ever more urgent impact on this planet and us humans. How can we tackle this by changing our behavior and our consumption Synching back with nature is how we could solve this. That’s the topic of this episode of Eco India.
Nature, Infotainment, Environment
sannuta raghu
sannuta raghu