These bodies will undoubtedly make every campers heart beat faster: Individually designed and extravagantly furnished longdistance mobile homes or RV are the latest musthave on the caravan market at least for very wealthy hobby campers. The offroad companions and rolling luxury suites are open ended price wise. Who are the owners of the most expensive mobile homes in Germany, and what do these luxury liners look like, inside and out We take you there.
Rolls Royce is best known for highend luxury cars. Who would have thought that the diesel engines of the British car manufacturer are also used in construction machinery, giant excavators or trains These engines can have up to 12,000 HP. MTU Friedrichshafen Gmbh Engine and Turbine Union produces large combustion engines manufactured on idyllic Lake Constance. These superlative engines Made in Germany can in the meantime be found worldwide
In Donauwörth, Bavaria, Airbus constructs and assembles rescue helicopters. The ADAC automobile club Germany ordered eleven new H145 rescue helicopters reporters documenting its assembly with cameras. The cutting edge technology inside the helicopter is one of many innovations, necessitating highly skilled pilots at the helm, saving lives and flying the copters into difficult terrain when that emergency call comes.
The BMW plant BerlinSpandau belongs to one of the most important international locations in motorcycle construction for 47 years now. Twowheelers made in Germany are sold worldwide. The product range of the Bavarian automobile company includes a wide array of models: off road bikes, sporty cruisers and ecofriendly electric motorcycles. Special wishes No problem. Even bikes that go beyond the usual standard version can be custom made in Spandau.
Not only local specialties Käsespätzle and Kneipp spa baths are from the German region of Allgäu. The largest agricultural machines in the world are produced in Marktoberdorf since 1930. Employing over 3,000 workers, Fendt is the German market leader in the manufacture of tractors, combine harvesters and harvesters.WELT reporters follow the path of a 1000 Vario tractor from construction to sale to the farm and reveal how Bavarian hightech makes life easier for farmers locally and internationally.
Am Flughafen München steht das modernste Langstreckenflugzeug der Welt abflugbereit auf der Startbahn. Die Triebwerke laufen an und fast lautlos rollt der Passagierjet immer schneller zum Endpunkt der Startbahn und hebt ab. Für Lufthansa ist mit der ersten Maschine des Typs A 350 ein großer Schritt in eine neue Welt des Passagierfluges geschafft.Von hier aus fliegen die A350 in die Welt, etwa nach Boston oder Delhi.Am bayerischen Drehkreuz freut man sich über den neuen Flieger, da er nach einem völlig neuen Konzept entwickelt wurde und den Passagierflugrevolutionieren soll. Rund zweieinhalb Monate dauert es, bis ein Exemplar des neuen Langstreckenflugzeuges fertiggestellt ist. Die A350900 bietet mit ihrer Länge von 66,89 m in einer Dreiklassenbestuhlung 314 Passagieren Platz. Angetrieben wir die A350900 von Trent XWBTriebwerken des Herstellers RollsRoyce und hat damit eine Reichweite von 15.000 Kilometer.
With over 11,000 employees, the MercedesBenz factory in Wörth is the largest truck factory in the world. Every day more than 400 fully roadworthy trucks leave the assembly line. From there, they are exported worldwide sometimes via the factoryown container port. The report accompanies the development of a tractor unit Actros from the initial sketches by industrial designers to preassembly in the engine plant in Mannheim to the final assembly of the truck in Wörth.
Technology, Science
Heiko Sedlack