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Biker Divas

U • Society & Culture

The show profiles India’s Top Women Bikers who have broken the mindset of ‘a woman cannot ride a bike’. The show shares the journey of these leading women as power symbols who have surfaced to become the best with their beast machines.BikerDivas promotes motivational stories that encourage a spirit of riding among women in India and help them come forward and openly appreciate riding a bike which is therapeutic and liberating

  • Biker Divas | Rider Girl Vishakha - India's first woman MotoVlogger.
    19 min 33 sec

    Motovlogging has been hounded by men since vlogging has begun. With very few takers and lack of interest for biking, very few women have plunged into the world of MotoVlogging. This episode is about India’s first female motovlogger Vishakha Fulsunge, who hails from Mumbai, who holds two India Book Of Records, including the title of being the first female rider to cross Bay of Bengal and ride across Andaman Islands. RJ Prajakta finds out shocking facts about her solo odesseys and finds out tips for women who plan on taking a solo ride of their life.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 08 | Dr. Sarika Mehta
    17 min 46 sec

    Dr. Sarika Mehta is the founder of Biking Queens, a Clinical Psychologist, along with being a mountaineer mother of two children. Her biggest riding feat is her road trip, across 25 countries which spans 3 continents. The total distance of this journey was around 25,000 kilometres. Key Feats All India All Women Bike Ride, 10 Nation Bike Ride from India to Singapore, 3 Continents Bike Ride India

  • Biker Divas | Sarah Kashyap - India's first woman toughest Road Conqueror.
    22 min 27 sec

    It is rare, that we ever seen women top the list of Bikers in the country. Have you ever heard of Motorcyclist Sarah Kashyap who was the sole woman participant in the motorcycle category of the Raid de Himalaya 2015 Sarah Kashyap is Indias first only woman rally racer to have finished both raiddehimalaya as well as desert storm. Catch the first episode of this darediva Sarah Kashyap unravelling her journey of being Indias foremost rally biker. RJ Prajakta, who is an RJ and a biker herself has helped deepdive into exploring the story of this journey.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 7 |Rehanna Rhea - India's Track Racing Diva
    11 min 47 sec

    Who loves to raise throttle on tracks and not a single fall can stop her. She is a motorcycle circuit racer Indian National Champion 20192021 and National sprint rally Champion 2020 from Chennai.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 10 | Zenith Irfan - Pakistan's First Female Motorcycle Rider
    18 min 50 sec

    Pakistans First Female Motorcycle Rider Zenith Irfan is the first Pakistani female motorcyclist to ride across Pakistan. Her father dreamt of traveling around the world on his motorbike, but when he died young at age 34, Zenith decided to fulfill his dream.

  • Biker Divas | Urvashi Patole - India's first woman Biking Club BIKERNI founder
    24 min 13 sec

    Urvashi Patole is known as the pioneer of the women motorcycling movement in India. She is the cofounder of the allwomen motorcycling group Bikerani. She began riding bikes at the age of 14. Bikerni started in 2011 with 11 other members, today her tribe has grown to include over 2000 members, across 14 chapters in India. If you happen to see a gang of women riders zooming past you, there is a high chance you have spotted the Bikernis. RJ Prajakta finds out the definition of this word bikerni and finds out the motivation behind the cause of empowering so many biker women in the country. 

  • Biker Divas | Superbike queen Maral
    35 min 12 sec

    Dr. Maral YazarlooPattrick has traveled solo around the world on a motorcycle. She covered 7 continents and 64 countries. Besides breaking taboos with Superbiking and being termed the superbike queen, for the collection of a million dollar collection of superbikes, Dr. Maral, a recordbreaking superbiker, has travelled solo around the world to change attitudes towards women in Iran. What makes this gorgeous damsel and beast of bikes Catch this interesting episode with RJ Prajakta and Maral breaking myths and motivation people across the world to turn up the throttle.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 5 | Roshini Sharma - The First Indian Female Biker To Ride Solo From Kanyakumari To Kashmir
    22 min 5 sec

    Started riding a bike at the age of 16,The love for biking was meant to become an example and inspiration for every female rider in the country who have been underestimated. When a friend of hers told her about his trip from North India to South India, she was motivated to set on this challenging road trip herself. But no woman in India had ever embarked on such a journey herself, and instead of getting threatened by the record she got excited to change it.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 6 | Dr. Aparna Bandodkar - Dentist by profession and Biker by passion
    31 min 53 sec

    She believes one lifetime isn’t enough for our motherland 🇮🇳 “ My quest of exploring and understanding more about India continues with the help of my beloved motorcycle 🏍 bijli. Till date we both have clocked 120,000 kms across India covering 16 states of Maharashtra, Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan , Uttarakhand, Himachal , Jammu Kashmir, Haryana , Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa , Kerala , Telangana , Andhra Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh three union territories of Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Daman Diu Silvassa, Ladakh . But I keep returning to the already done states again and again with the quest to know more , see more , capture more , experience furthermore.

  • Biker Divas | Eps. 09 | Shilpa Shinde - StuntGirl and Motovlogger
    13 min 41 sec

    A StuntGirl and Motovlogger, Shilpa Shinde is also runs workshops where she teaches new learners stunting. She is also the youngest yet fastest growing youtube creators who is passionate about motorcycles.




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