Gautam Buddha was born in a royal family.He was always kept away from the grief that persisted in the world and kept guarded every luxury of life and a world full of illusions where everything was perfect.So, how did he learn about the real truth about the world How did he achieve enlightenment This...
Jataka tales are among the worlds most ancient and popular tales of Buddhism.Jataka means since birth and just as its name suggest, these stories tell you about Gautam Buddhas younger days guiding us with ways live.These tales are innumerable and bear similarities to the Panchatatras stories. This e...
Buddhism is often referred to as a world religion.But Buddhism was never intended to become a religion as it was never forced upon anybody to follow its tenets.After Gautam Buddhas demise, it was divided into parts but its fundamentals have never lost their essence. Know more on the schools of Buddh...
Nalanda University was established in 5th century AD. This university was famed as one of the best globally at the time. Know about the programs and facilities that the university was equipped with in the past in this interesting episode.
Indian emperor, Ashoka The Great from the Maurya Dynasty was infamous for his uncontrollable rage and torture rooms.However after the biggest Kalinga war, it is believed that he felt remorse for his mistakes and adopted nonviolent ways altogether.In fact, he accepted Buddhism and decided to live in ...
Buddhism is one of the most spread out religions around the world.Buddhism was never intended to be a religion, but still over the centuries has become a world religion. How did it spread in so hugely Know more of this in this episode.
Bodh Vastukala translates to the architecture during the times of Gautam Buddha.The highlights of this architecture include the stupas and Viharas. In fact, the remains of Gautam Buddha are buried in many shrines and stupas.Emperor Ashoka The Great erected around 84,000 stupas.Know more about these ...
According to Buddhist tenets, human beings go through rebirths.If the cycle of rebirths stops due to our good deeds, one can gain Nirvana. Learn more about this concept in this enlightening episode
Bodhi means enlightenment and chitta means conscious.Gautam Buddha stated that the root to every problem is our own mind. The person who tries to move away from all desires to attain enlightenment is called a Bodhisattva.Watch this episode to understand the illuminating concept of Bodhisattva.
There is no fixed criteria for one to become Buddhist.Nonbiased acceptance was one of the reasons why Buddhism spread in great amounts. Thus, this lead to the formations of Sanghas or Buddhist communities.Learn more about this in this episode.
Just like other religions, Buddhism too has religious places.Every land touched by the feet of Gautam Buddha is considered religious. The Buddhist circuit is a net of destinations that Buddha advised his followers to visit.This journey is considered spiritual by every Buddhism follower. Watch this j...
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetans. The title ‘Dalai Lama’ means ‘as vast as the ocean’. He is one of the most influential leaders across the globe. Buddhists believe that the Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva ‘Avalokiteshwara’. Watch this episode to learn more about the life and history of the Buddhist whos loved and respected by millions.
01 August 2020
Mythology, Fiction, Fantasy