Water covers two thirds of the earth’s surface, and we are utterly dependent on it, but when this vital ingredient of life unleashes its fury on the planet it becomes the ultimate bringer of death. Whether it’s from rain inundating the ground, rivers bursting their banks or our failed efforts to con...
Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones all the same thing withdifferent names – what they also have in common is theirdestructive power Measuring up to 2,000km across they can beone of the most awe inspiring and fearsome things in naturereaching speeds of up to 350km/h. A cyclone hit Bangladesh in1970 an...
Earthquakes happen when tectonic plates suddenly slip causing shock waves to shake the surface of the Earth. They occur on fault lines the most active are the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean and the San Andreas fault on America’s west coast. They are measured on the Richter Scale with an MMS valu...
Volcanoes are Earth’s geologic architects. They’ve created more than 80 percent of our planet’s surface and their explosive force has crafted both mountains and craters. 1,500 volcanoes are still potentially active and the deadliest eruption in recorded history was the 1815 explosion of Mount Tabora...
Tornadoes demolish houses, flip cars, cross rivers, dig trenches, and liftlightweight objects 10,000 feet into the air. A tornado is a lethal combinationof wind and power. Tornado Alley in the USA sees more tornadoes thananywhere else. On May 22, 2011, the Joplin Tornado killed 158 people andinjured...
Planes, trains and ships, our mass transit systems, have had a profound effect on mankind, making the world smaller and more connected. Every year billions of journeys are undertaken without a hitch, but when accidents do happen, when trains collide, planes fall from the sky or ships sink to the bot...
When it comes to disasters, mother nature has mankind beat. However, asmankind expands, evolves and technology advances, it comes withdangerous challenges. When errors are made or unforeseen circumstancesoccur, the results can be as devastating as they are spectacular. Oil spills,explosions, buildin...
Science, Nature
Guilain Depardieu