U • Nature • Infotainment • Environment • 2020
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
Director: Sannuta Raghu
Its been described as the new secondhand smoke: Noise is a form of pollution that can cause health problems in people and wildlife. But it’s often overlooked as a pollutant. What can be done to give our ears a break
प्रदूषण के लिए जिम्मेदार ज़हरीले रसायन और खतरनाक तत्त्व हर और फैले हुए हैं. यहाँ तक की उस हवा में भी जिसमे हम सांस ले रहे हैं. ये हमारी और हमारी धरती की सेहद के लिए बहौत हानिकारक हैं. लेकिन इससे बचने की उपाय भी हमारे पास मौजूद हैं.
जलवायु परिवर्तन दुनिया भर के कई नाजुक इको सिस्टम के लिए खतरनाक है. अंतरराष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिकों से लेकर स्थानीय गैर सरकारी संगठनों के कार्यकर्ताओं तक, हम ऐसे लोगों से मिलते हैं जो बहुमूल्य संसाधनों को बचाने और खतरे में पड़े लैंडस्केपों की रक्षा करने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं
The food we grow comes from the 2.5 billion farmers around the world who brave droughts and floods, depleting arable land, and unequal land distribution. Today, lets look at why the practice of farming today, and of the future needs a serious rethink.
In Mumbai extremely hot summers, and aggressive monsoons and the floods that accompany it bring life to a halt on many occasions. But this coastal metropolis now has another massive problem to deal with Rising Sea Levels. Climate change is making the already vulnerable city, more vulnerable.
We’ve often shown you stories of changemakers inspiring the people around them to be the change they want to see in the world. They’ve made a difference for the better to the everyday lives of people, and to the environment. Today on Eco India, we’ll dig deeper into how movements come together, and why big change occurs when the power is in the hands of the people.
Every minute, we produce and process huge amounts of food around the planet. And to make sure it reaches you this produce is transported by ships and trucks from one part of the world to the other. But nearly a billion people go hungry every night. Food waste is one of the most important reasons for the hunger in the world.
The world’s growing population uses more and more resources everyday and our lifestyles are becoming costly for the environment we live in. What does it mean to live sustainably in such a scenario does it mean living a life of lack Well, it’s actually the opposite.
Textiles how wide and deep their impact is on the environment, and what you can do change that.
Water is a basic human need but with potable water depleting every day, it is also becoming a part of big business. Bottled water, chemical filters, water purifiers are a part of every jargon in many parts of the world. How can we take care of water better, and use it sustainably so that generations to come don’t lose access to it
Forests are the lungs of the earth we can’t really afford to live life without healthy forests. But every year, 8.8 million hectares of forests are being destroyed making way for every imaginable human activity from palm oil plantations and soy fields, to roads, to amusement parks, to parking lots.
The world generates more than two billion tonnes of garbage annually. According to the World Bank, at least 33 of this is notmanaged in an environmentallysafe manner. And these growing piles of garbage not only pose a serious threat to the environment, but endanger human health worldwide.
Plants. And how they can be reused to offset the effects of harmful materials on our
The forgotten power of traditional knowledge. Take traditional farming practices, for example they promoted biodiversity and defied climate change for hundreds of years.
Some of the most fragile ecosystems around the world are found where the ocean meets the land. And no matter how fast the world manages to curb its carbon emissions, sealevels are going to rise and 300 million people will be at risk of flooding by 2050.
Many discussions take place at different levels of the society to address exactly this high level meetings and international climate conferences are held every year with representatives from most countries.
Life itself arose from water It is where the essential building blocks were formed over millennia. It took thousands of years for aquatic animals and plants to make the transition onto land.
Half of the oxygen on earth is produced by trees. They use energy from sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
A habitat in the middle of an unliveable place. Whether it is a green lush oasis in the desert or the idea of a human settlement on the cold, dry, red Mars. Humans always try to transform inhospitable lansdcapes into vivid places.
Our love for the fish on our plate, and other seafood is causing great harm and an imbalance to the marine ecosystem worldwide. How can we preserve our oceans and, even our rivers so that they continue to remain a living space
Sustainable Consumption can be the solution. But how does that work We show you some examples.
Nutrient rich soil, plentiful sun and water and many weeks or even months of careful work. A lot is needed to grow corn, rice or
Unspoilt world in the middle of the amazon rainforest
Forests rich with trees, large swamplands, and the expansive sea bed are all, believe it or not, the biggest repositories of carbon dioxide on our planet.
Rapid urbanization comes with serious challenges. The demand for jobs, food, housing or education facilities will increase significantly resulting in a growing need to optimise the use of available space in cities and to find ecofriendly construction options.
A special episode of Eco India to mark Womens Day March 8. Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured its stability, progress and longterm development of nations. But their own needs are not always met.
In many societies, hightech is replacing industrialization as a driver of change. Can it reverse the negative effects of modern living on our planet and help us to a more sustainable way of life Change through technology, our focus this week.
Can economic progress happen in harmony with the environment Perhaps they dont have to be enemies after all. This week Eco India looks at green solutions for progress.
The pandemic has changed the world as we know it. Will we be more conscious about our environment and the way we use resources now
Wild animals and humans: it can be a symbiotic relationship. But during the coronavirus pandemic weve also learned that being close to each other can be dangerous.
Staying at home during the corona crisis has meant using less transport, less air pollution, less stress. But how can we make mobility green and sustainable once we are moving again
Food is essential to life. Across the globe, people are seeking food security – by both looking to the past to see how our ancestors found the nourishment they needed and finding new solutions for the future.
Support the locals thats the topic of this weeks Eco India. Climate change is threatening apple farmers in India and coal mining is destroying landscapes in Germany. But if the locals get support there is hope too.
Even in our everyday lives, there are many ways we can support sustainability. On the latest edition of Eco India we explore how we can make small changes to our habits that have a big effect on the environment.
All living things need a refuge, where they’re protected from the outside world. Refuges help humans cope with everyday life, and they also help increase biodiversity in the plant and animal kingdoms. Safe havens the topic of this week’s episode.
Education helps connect us to the world around us and better understand the way it works. This weeks Eco India looks at how education can help us keep moving to a greener future
Textile production impacts the environment in many ways – whether its the vast amount of water used to grow cotton, or the chemical pesticides used to protect plants. So how can the textile industry become more sustainable
The motto of this weeks Eco India is new beginnings: new ways of taking care of livestock and earning money with cow dung a restricted military area bursting with new life, and rescued elephants given a second chance.
The motto of this weeks Eco India is good conscience: how we pursue sustainable living as a conscious decision by using solar energy or celebrating in an ecofriendly manner. Also. looking after orangutans in a jungle school.
Apps, virtual reality and the digital economy can bring people and nature back together. Eco India shows initiatives and solutions where technology has a green impact.
Climate change and other environmental issues – problems so huge, they almost seem impossible to fix ourselves. But there are things we can do individually to help protect the environment. Eco India explores.
Creating a nature friendly livelihood together the motto of this weeks Eco India: A lot can be achieved in the community inspired by an innovative idea generator. Installing a community composting system or working on the big goal of circular economy.
Money is what makes the world go round, or so they say. But it is also often behind the destruction of nature and the planets wildlife. What if we could change that Eco India takes a look.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
An increasing number of young people are trying to live in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
Our energy needs are shooting up everyday
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.
A race is on to save endangered species Our planet sustains life thanks to a delicate balance of nature maintained by all living organisms. But human activity is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Scientists and volunteers are racing to halt the trend.
Watch this episode Energy from the series of Eco India.
Watch this wonderful episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another wonderful episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series called Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
क्या आप एक ऐसी दुनिया की कल्पना कर सकते हैं जो कूड़े से मुक्त हो एक ऐसी दुनिया जहां संसाधनों का इस्तेमाल सोच समझ कर होता हो और हर चीज़ रिसाइकल होती है. आज के इको इंडिया के शो में मिलवाएंगे कुछ ऐसे लोगों से, जो इस दिशा में काम कर रहे हैं.
Watch yet another exciting episode from the Hit series called Eco India.
सामान से भरे सुपरमार्केट के रैक और भरी टोकरियां. हम में से ज्यादातर लोग इस सहूलियत की अहमियत नहीं समझते. भुखमरी खत्म करने के संकल्पों के बावजूद कुपोषित लोगों की तादाद बढ़ रही है. दुनिया की तीस प्रतिशत से ज्यादा आबादी खाद्य असुरक्षा से प्रभावित है. आज के शो में जानेंगे इससे निपटने के लिए हो रहे कुछ स्थानीय प्रयासों के बारे में.
Rediscovering what our ancestors already knew. When looking for sustainable and ecofriendly solutions, we often find that there are perfect solutions in nature. They are part of natures gift.
चाहे आसमान में चमकती सूरज की किरणों से हो या धरती पर पड़े कचरे से, अक्षय ऊर्जा के स्रोत भविष्य की टिकाऊ ऊर्जा व्यवस्था को तैयार कर रहे हैं. आज के इको इंडिया के एपिसोड में जानिए कुछ अनोखी तकनीकों के बारे में जो हमारी दुनिया को बदल सकती हैं.
हमारे जीने के लिए जरूरी भोजन, पानी, साफ जलवायु और प्राकृतिक आपदाओं से बचने के अनमोल खजाने धरती के इकोसिस्टम हमें तोहफे में देते हैं. लेकिन इंसानी गतिविधियां इकोसिस्टम की इस काबिलियत को नष्ट कर रही हैं. आज देखेंगे कि कैसे हम अपनी जमीन को बचा कर जलवायु परिवर्तन के असर को कम कर सकते हैं.
दुनिया की 75 प्रतिशत आबादी 2050 तक शहरों में रहेगी. क्या इसके लिए हमारे मौजूदा शहर तैयार हैं वे जितने आकर्षक, टिकाऊ और इकोफ्रेंडली होंगे, उनकी समृद्ध होने की संभावना उतनी ही बेहतर होगी। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आज हमें क्या करने की जरूरत है ताकि भविष्य के शहर पर्यावरण सम्मत हों
समुद्रतट पर फैला और नदियों का दम घोंटता प्लास्टिक का कूड़ा किसी बीमारी से कम नहीं है. संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने तो इसे महामारी का दर्जा दिया है जो हमारे स्वास्थ्य और इकोसिस्टम दोनों पर बुरा असर डाल रहा है . मिलते हैं ऐसे लोगों से जो इस संकट से निपटने के उपाय खोज रहे हैं.
अपने ऐशो आराम के लिए हम बड़ी आसानी से प्रकृति को नुकसान पहुंचाने लगते है. फिर चाहे बात हमारे खानपान की हो, फैशन की या यातायात की – हमारी पसंद हमारी धरती की पसंद से अलग होती जा रही है. तो इसे बदलें कैसे आज के शो में हम लाएं है आपके लिए कुछ आइडिया.
आधुनिक जीवन ने हमें कई सुविआधायें दी हैं . हमारे आराम में कहीं कोई कमी ना आये , इसलिए हम ज्यादा से ज्यादा चीज़ों का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं , और अपने ही इकोसिस्टम को नुक्सान पहुंचा रहे हैं . हमारे इस बर्ताव का नतीजा भी किसी से नहीं छिपा है : कहीं फसल ख़राब हो रही हैं , कहीं बे मौसम बांध आ रही है और कहीं सूखा पड़ रहा है . इसे बदलना है तो वापस प्रकृति की गॉड में ही जाना होगा . कैसे आज के शो में करेंगे इस पर बात .
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another episode from the series of Eco India.
Watch yet another exciting episode from the Hit series called Eco India.
Eco India The Environment Magazine Where you find water, trees, minerals, you often find people. Some communities have more access and this can be a boon and a curse. We meet the communities most impacted by our increasing hunger for natural resources.The true costs of coal mining in IndiaMining coal is detrimental to the environment. But while policymakers and activists debate the development versus environment protection, communities who live close to mines face some devastating consequences. Explainer: The history of coalGrowth in the West was largely powered by coal. But if we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we have to ditch fossil fuels. Asia is now the biggest consumer of coal — how can it quit its new addiction Bringing communities together with radio in India.Uttarakhand is a state prone to catastrophic flooding and forest fires. Its hard for communities. But Kumaon Vani radio station connects people, helping them tackle environmental problems in the region.
Natural drought cycles and human activity have led to a rise in massive wildfires in recent years. Forest fires in Siberia, the US and Canada, and the Mediterranean are also caused by climate change. We look for solutions.
Housing is one of the most basic human needs, and a fundamental human right. But more and more homes are under threat from global warming. How can lives and structures be protected from the impacts of climate change
कठोर मौसम के चलते दुनिया भर में किसानों को खेती करने में मुश्किलें आ रही हैं. फसल या तो सूखे के कारण बर्बाद हो जाती है या बाढ़ में डूब जाती है. बढ़ती क़ीमतें और सरकारी नीतियां इस तकलीफ को और बढ़ाती हैं. और यह एक दुष्चक्र बन जाता है. आज का एपिसोड ऐसे पारंपरिक और नए तरीकों के बारे में है जो किसानों को जलवायु परिवर्तन का सामना करने में मदद करते हैं
पानी एक ऐसा संसाधन है जो खुद ही अपनी भरपाई कर सकता है. आसमान से बरस कर ये सूखे जलाशयों को भर देता है. लेकिन धीरे धीरे दुनिया के कई इलाकों में पानी की किल्लत बढ़ रही है. आज के एपिसोड में हम जानेंगे की धरती पर जीवन बनाए रखने के लिए क्या कदम उठाए जा रहे हैं.
शहर और समुदाय तेजी से फैल रहे हैं, लेकिन कचरा निपटाने के इंतज़ाम अब भी पीछे हैं. इंसानों, जानवरों और फैक्ट्रियों से पैदा होने वाला कचरा लोगों और धरती के लिए एक बड़ा बोझ है। ईको इंडिया में आज हम ऐसे लोगों से मिलेंगे, जिनके पास कचरे से निपटने के कुछ असरदार उपाय हैं.
इस साल चुभतीजलती गर्मी ने लगातार कई हफ़्तों तक सबको परेशान किया. वैज्ञानिकों के मुताबिक दक्षिण एशिया में आयी यह हेत्वावे जलवायु परिवर्तन का नतीजा है और आने वाले सालों में हालात और बुरे होंगे. क्या हम इसके लिए तैयार हैं
पर्यावरण को हम इंसानो ने खतरे में दाल दिया है, लेकिन इन खतरों के आगे बेबस बैठे रहना कोई विकल्प नहीं है. छोटे छोटे कदम जैसे की प्रदूषण और ग्लोबल वार्मिंग कम करना, बड़ा बदलाव ला सकते है और हम पीढ़ियों तक इस धरती पे फलतेफूलते रह सकते हैं।
प्रदूषण के लिए जिम्मेदार ज़हरीले रसायन और खतरनाक तत्त्व हर और फैले हुए हैं. यहाँ तक की उस हवा में भी जिसमे हम सांस ले रहे हैं. ये हमारी और हमारी धरती की सेहद के लिए बहौत हानिकारक हैं. लेकिन इससे बचने की उपाय भी हमारे पास मौजूद हैं.
थियम आयन बैटरीज दशकों इस्तेमाल हो रही हैं. और इनसे ये उम्मीद लगाई जाती हैं की ये जीवांश में ईंधन पर हमारी निर्भरता को कम करेंगी. इन्हे ग्रीन एनर्जी रेवोलुशन के लिए एहम माना जाता हैं. लेकिन इनमे भी कुछ कमिया हैं. आज जानेंगे की कैसे बटेरियो को ज्यादा एफ्फिसिएंट बनाया जा सकता हैं.
पानी की कमी दुनिया के कई क्षेत्रों में एक बड़ी समस्या है. इसे रोकने के लिए हमें जलवायु परिवर्तन पर अंकुश लगाने और पानी को लेकर अधिक सावधान रहने की जरूरत है. इको इंडिया के इस एपिसोड में हम सीवेज वाटर प्लांट, पानी बचाने वाली चावल की खेती और बारिश जल प्रबंधन पर गौर करेंगे.
Watch yet another exciting episode from the Hit series called Eco India.
जैव विविधता पृथ्वी के पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र का संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए जरूरी है. ये खतरे में पड़ी प्रजातियों और जानवरों के निवास को सुरक्षित रखने और इंसानों और जानवरों को साथ जीने को संभव बनाने के लिए भी जरूरी है.
NEUMapping Indias slums Sonia Phalnikar/DWPoverty is a huge hurdle to environmental justice. In Indias slums, for example, people struggle to access basic rights. Often they are held back, simply because residents may not have a clear address. A Punebased architect is changing that.NEU, Planet AWhat is climate justice Ajit Naranjan/DWClimate change is neither fair nor unfair. But there are people who are more responsible than others and people more affected than others. So whos to blame And is there a fair way to find climate justiceNEUFinding environmental justice in Kolkatas wetlands ScrollMaking more money from destroying ecosystems rather than protecting them its one of the biggest roadblocks to environmental justice. And in eastern Kolkata its threatening the wetlands and communities living in the region.WDHL DW Women, Eco India 27.11.2020Indonesias wicker entrepreneur Louise Osborne/DWA social entrepreneur in Indonesia is empowering women to return to their traditional wicker craft. It gives women financial independence and is a step towards social justice.
By safeguarding their ancestral lands for centuries, indignous peoples have protected our planets biodiversity. Often marginalized, these communities play a key role in caring for the Earth and its diminishing resources.
Women bear a disproportionate burden of the climate crisis. Gender inequalities are largely to blame. We meet women tackling both the root causes and the effects of the crisis
Floods, droughts and extreme weather events are not new to the world – but climate change has increased their frequency and intensity. Scientists warn that the window to avoid a climate catastrophe is closing. There’s a lot at stake for countries around the world – including India.
The Earth’s vital natural ecosystems are under threat. Urbanization and agricultural expansion is largely to blame, as is humanmade climate change. But sometimes we’re given a second chance to restore what we’ve destroyed.
Our earth is bountiful: her forests, soil and seas provide us with food and the natural capital our economies are built on. But everincreasing production, consumption and the relentless use of resources are fueling our biggest environmental problems. How can we balance the needs of society, our economy, and ecology
From the gardens of ancient Mesopotamia to the fields of modernday industrial farms: We’ve been producing food for millennia. But today’s patterns of consumption and production are harming people and the planet. On this edition of Eco India, we explore efforts underway to help fix our broken food system
Mobility is a fundamental part of our life. Traveling to work or to school, going to get basic necessities these things are essential. But at the same time, there are immense costs for the environment. A large part of the pollutant emissions worldwide are caused by traffic and transport. What solutions are there to make mobility more environmentally friendly, that is the topic of this weeks episode of Eco India.
Whether its leftover food, plastic packaging or broken appliances our waste is piling up. Disposing of it properly is often a problem. However, its our responsibility to keep the Earth clean. There are different ways to do that. कचरा प्लास्टिक का हो या खाने का, दुनिया भर में कचरे का ढेर बढ़ता जा रहा है. इससे निपटना लगातार मुश्किल होता जा रहा है. लेकिन धरती को स्वच्छ रखना तो हमारी ही ज़िम्मेदारी है. और ऐसा करने के बहुत सारे तरीके हैं. धरती को कैसे बचाए जानिए आज के एपिसोड में.
प्रकृति की गोद मे समय बिताने के फायदे जगजाहिर हैं. ये शरीर और दिमाग दोनों के लिए अच्छा हैं. शहरो मे ऐसे हरेभरे जगहों की जरूरत तो और भी ज्यादा हैं. केवल हम इंसानो के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि उस पर निर्भर जैव विविधता के लिए भी. आज के शो मे देखेंगे की इसे कैसे संभव बनाया जा रहा हैं.
पूरी दुनिया जीवाश में ईंधन से अक्षय ऊर्जा की और जाने की कोशिश कर रही हैं. आज के एपिसोड में हम देखेंगे कुछ ऐसे स्मार्ट आइडियाज जो हमे इस लक्ष्य के और करीब ले जा सकते हैं.
पुरानी आदतें बदलने में वक़्त तो लगता है. लेकिन प्रदूषण और जलवायु परिवर्तन के असर को देखते हुए जरूरी हो गया है की हम अपने जीवन में बदलाव जल्द ही लाएं. आज के एपिसोड में देखिये ऐसे ही बदलावों की कुछ उम्दा मिसाले।
शहर फैलते जा रहे हैं. इमारतों की उंचाईं आसमान छू रही हैं और साथ ही उत्सर्जन, प्रदुषण और कचरा भी बढ़ रहा हैं. कंस्ट्रक्शन इंडस्ट्री पर्यावरण की लिहा से सस्टेनेबिलिटी का सब से कम ख्याल रखती हैं. आज के एपिसोड में जानेंगे की इमारते बनाने के और बेहतर तरीके क्या हो सकते हैं.
Every creature has a place in nature be it a predator in the jungle, an insect in the air, or plankton in the depths of the ocean. Each one is an important part of the food chain and contributes to the ecological diversity on Earth. What can we do to preserve our biodiversity
We live in a world with finite resources – and yet we’re still pillaging the planet like there’s no tomorrow. Coming up, Eco India discovers the dangers of stealing capital from nature, as well as alternatives to manage the assets on which all our lives depend.
For thousands of years, we humans have made a living from what we cultivate on our fields, and what we harvest on our fruit and vegetable plantations. However, intensive agricultural use has negative consequences for the climate: overfertilization of the soil, greenhouse emissions, reduced biodiversity. How can we advance regenerative farming
The scale of change needed to tackle global environmental issues can feel overwhelming. But by coming together, local communities are finding effective ways to deal with the threats on their doorstep. On Eco India, we explore collaborative projects that prove: sharing – is caring.
Humanity marked a milestone recently – when the global population hit 8 billion. But the presence of evermore people on earth is a strain on nature, as communities compete with WILDLIFE for food, water and space. Today, we consider the advantages of conserving animal habitats, and the dangers we face if we don’t.
Plants are essential to life on earth, in rain forests, in arid regions, in the underwater world, also in cities. How can we give them more space on this planet, even in places where they’re difficult to grow
We need nature for our nutrition, health and business. Nature often also offers solutions to environmental and other problems caused by humans. We only have to understand them and to learn. That’s the topic of this episode of Eco India.
Shop till you drop…While retailers feed the world’s fashion addiction – the garment industry is under pressure to curb its environmental and social impact. On Eco India, we uncover ways to move forward, from fast – to forever fashion.
The cosmetics industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But the production process places a heavy burden on the environment. The demand for sustainable cosmetics is growing. We explore how this can be achieved.
The world population is growing, and more and more people are living in metropolitan areas around the globe – where there is a great need to create living space and build houses. But with consequences for the environment: more than a third of the CO2 emissions worldwide are caused by the building and construction sector. What steps can be taken to create a more sustainable construction industry
Large or small, on land or in the sea – all living organisms are a link in the chain of life – cooperating to survive and maintain ecosystems. But thousands of species are threatened by human activity, including some we’ve long taken for granted – and now need our help to survive.
There is an incredible amount of water. But appearances are deceptive, because 97 per cent of it is salt water and only 3 per cent is drinkable water. Conserving this water and finding ways of reusing and recycling it is the need of the hour. A promising initiative in Bengaluru is already working on this.
Solar power is clean, flexible and increasingly affordable. Technological advances are fueling demand and growth in a range of applications that could help countries like India meet their renewables targets.
Human inventions have transformed the world – but many harm the environment, demanding a change in our ways. We’ve proved it’s possible…after global action, the Earth’s ozone layer is now recovering. On Eco India, we look at other damaging habits – and ways to kick them.
On this edition of Eco India, we explore how biodiversity underpins daily life –from the ingredients in cosmetics and medicines, to the pockets of nature struggling to survive in our concrete jungles.
This week we look at projects big and small that improve the way we produce and consume food. We visit an organic farmer using technology to make his work more sustainable and discover how unsold produce can be processed to combat agricultural waste.
Humans are dependent on energy – whether its to heat our homes, cook our food or travel to work. But this dependency – fuelled by Earths limited resources has led to a crisis that threatens the world as we know it. Humanitys only hope is to change the way we think about energy and where we get it from.
This week on Eco India, we explore a brick with the potential to alleviate air pollution in the Indian capital, plus we unlock traditional building secrets passed down for generations in Tamil Nadu.
Plastic waste in the Himalayas or on the streets of Chennai a problem for both the environment and our health. Volunteers are taking action. Companies are promising to reduce their plastic use. Is it only greenwashing
This week’s Eco India shows how innovative ideas and empowered communities can help preserve cultural heritage, promote sustainable progress, and protect the environment.
Reducing CO2 emissions is crucial in the fight against climate change. We’re highlighting projects doing exactly that with biogas made from agricultural waste. Well also check out hydropower’s potential and a smogfighting solution.
In this weeks episode, Eco India explores some of the pros and cons of mining, and ways to cut carbon emissions – from tapping into India’s geothermal potential, to the benefits of biochar.
Around the world, livelihoods in both rural and urban communities are being impacted by the effects of climate change, pollution, or the availability of nutritious food. Eco India explores some of the areas affected and what people are doing to cope.
In this episode of Eco India we look at how agriculture can be made more sustainable – with the help of agroforestry, natural farming or alternative water sources. Can we find a better way than conventional agriculture with its pesticideridden produce from highyield seeds
The UN says electricity supply from clean energy sources must double by 2030 to limit global temperature increase and reign in climate change. Eco India explores projects that are making strides in the right direction.
Water is an important resource and water availability will be one of the crucial issues of the future. While some regions are struggling with drought, elsewhere there is wastage from poor water management. This weeks Eco India is looking at the sustainable use of water.
From the clothes we wear to the food we eat and even the plate we use, almost everything we do impacts the environment. This weeks Eco India looks at how we can choose to live more sustainably.
Often environmental issues go unnoticed until they pop up on our social media feeds, alerting us to problems we may never otherwise have noticed. Raising awareness about local problems is a key step toward finding solutions that can benefit us all.
Coexisting with various animal species has helped us humans not only survive but thrive in our natural environment. This episode of Eco India is all about those who are trying to save biodiversity on this planet.
The fashion industry has a devastating impact on the environment. But it doesn't have to be that way. A shift away from polluting practices and water waste could help the industry get greener.
Around the world the impacts of environmental degradation are upending people's lives. This edition of Eco India explores ways they can reclaim surroundings and livelihoods.
Since climate change is impacting everything, adaptation is crucial for us humans. We show examples how to adapt to climate change: by restoring floodplains, cooling down cities, developing concepts for transport and alternative energy.
India plans to meet 50% of its energy needs from non-fossil fuels by 2030. How will people be affected by the shift to renewable energy sources? What needs to be done to ensure a just transition?
Floods, droughts, heatwaves and landslides. Ecosystems everywhere are under pressure, from human-induced climate change and human activity. How can we curb the environmental problems?
Breaking some of our everyday habits could massively benefit the planet. In this episode we look at what habits we can change to be kinder to the environment, and what alternatives are available.
Teachers and students need to learn more about climate change and how we can tackle its impacts. The greener the economy becomes, the more green jobs will be offered. Many will need to undergo training to be qualified for that.
Farmers around the world are increasingly impacted by the effects of climate change. A shift away from intensive agriculture to embrace more natural methods can help them cope with an ever-warming world.
Feeding India's 1.4 billion people is a growing challenge. Can an initiative to restore land while making farming healthier and more profitable keep farmers in the fields? And how can Haryana, a place with nearly 20,000 ponds, have groundwater problems?
Eco India explores solutions to water-related challenges, from tackling problems caused by drought to removing microplastics from oceans and using high-tech to make fishing more sustainable. Why is water at the core of sustainable development?
Eco India looks at the benefits of respecting nature, from reducing waste to sustainable architecture and ancient farming methods. Pune explores solutions to the sanitary waste problem. Plus: Southern India’s thriving female farming collectives.
Introducing indigenous foods to city-dwellers, reviving handloom weaving, and future-proofing cities with a “digital twin” — Eco India examines the benefits of embracing old traditions and new technologies.
Climate change is confronting cities with unprecedented challenges. From switching to solar power and installing flood protection to growing vegetables on rooftops, Eco India looks at the various ways cities are adapting.
Tapping into knowledge pools is key to preserving our natural environment: This week we meet migrant farmers whose traditional skills help urban gardens flourish, and discover how growing wheat indoors can promote food security.
Pollution kills. But we can help prevent it. This week we examine how megacities around the world are already making their air cleaner and safer. And look at other initiatives helping to clean up and preserve our environment. What can we do to help clean up?
Rising temperatures, pollution, coastal erosion and overfishing are just some of the stresses on our oceans and their ecosystems. On this edition of Eco India, we look at ways to ease the pressure, from adopting coral in Goa, to engineering seas that can absorb more carbon. Can we protect our precious marine life?
Climate change is taking a toll on the world’s flora and fauna, while invasive species spread by human activity are costing the global economy billions. Even your morning coffee may be under threat.
Boosting the tiger population in Madhya Pradesh, putting a price tag on nature, future-proofing saffron production in Kashmir and a ‘cash for trash’ business model takes off in Tamil Nadu.
In this week’s Edition of Eco India, we see a program to clean up toxic lakes in Bengaluru that could produce safer food; the toxic ship breaking industry - how people in Bangladesh are paying the price. And the Tamil Nadu invention that allows you to recycle your own sewage.
Pollution is everywhere. Some people are on the way to stop it: Companies in India's textile hub Gujarat recycle their wastewater, Indian activists clean up plastics from the ocean and Chennai city dwellers are processing their kitchen waste.
How can our cities house a growing population and serve their needs well, while also becoming sustainable and climate-resilient? We head to India, Bangladesh and Germany to look at what solutions are available and where more work is needed.
Balance is vital to life on Earth. So, what happens when it’s disrupted by chemicals in the soil, or technology -- even if it's green? Plus: How jute restores ecological balance, and an all-women team improves India’s waste management gender balance.
Preserve, protect, recycle and reclaim: From rescuing birds in cities and transforming urban wasteland to recycling phosphorus for fertilizer and guarding against rising sea levels – how can we safeguard our environment, our resources, and our cities?
Smart and green - can Chandigarh be both? In Buenos Aires, real estate is pushing out parkland. Indian commuters are opting for greener ways to get around. Plus: why Big Tech stops short of delivering its traffic-easing promises.
How can we protect precious aquatic life? This episode features an initiative in West Bengal is trying to clean up the Ichamati River. In Tamil Nadu, a collective is promoting sustainable seafood. And a Spanish retiree who records water temperatures in the Mediterranean.
To mark International Women’s Day, Eco India meets an NGO founder breaking period taboos and visits women-only farm collectives that are benefitting members and the environment. Plus: How solar power has improved womens' health in rural Meghalaya.
Hybrid wind and solar power systems present new options and hurdles in Gujarat. Plus: Why grids need to be revamped for green energy; how solar-powered cold storage is a win-win for India's farmers; and the small-scale solar power system for all.
Climate change is making summers hotter, winters colder and leading to flooding. How can cities, farmers, and ordinary people adapt to these new conditions. Eco India takes a look.
From high-tech tools such as precision farming and autonomous tractors to zero-budget approaches and sustainable meat alternatives, farming is embracing innovation.
From used car tires and old plastic products to electronic waste: finding ways to repurpose things has benefits for the environment and the economy.
An ancient method for collecting rainwater, why freak storms are becoming common in Europe, the local weather enthusiasts turned influencers in India, and an historic weather station in Poland that’s been charting climate change for over a century.
Insects give shrimps a boost in Tamil Nadu - and add bite to pizza toppings. Can local conservation efforts reverse damage at Srinagar’s Dal Lake? Plus hotel owners in Catalonia find creative solutions to water shortages.
Photographers empower marginalized communities in North Chennai. Will India tighten its climate targets? Getting in on the green job market - and an invasive weed helps spread awareness about the coexistence of humans and wildlife.
Farmers feed the world. But from Europe to India, farmers are burdened by high costs, low prices, and climate change. Technologies like an AI crop-doctor app and drones can help. But there’s a wellspring of anger among farmers worldwide. Why is that?
As the climate changes and architecture is having to rethink form and function, eco-friendly building practices that have been used for centuries in India are proving inspirational.
Organic produce grown locally and sustainably is good for public health and the climate - and it can boost the local economy too: The multiple benefits of letting nature do its work.
Introduced on purpose, by mistake or as a result of climate change, invasive species destroy ecosystems and are often expensive to eradicate. We explore solutions, from turning pests into useful products, to serving them up as culinary delicacies.
Reforestation efforts in Tamil Nadu's Arunachala Hills are paying off. Fire teams in Spain clear brush to prevent wildfires. Can India's Great Green Wall halt desertification? And how farmers are protecting biodiversity by going back to traditional cultivation practices.
Billions of people across Asia are grappling with extreme heat in a trend worsened by climate change. India's heat wave has been one of the longest ever recorded. This week, Eco India looks at what can be done to address the root of the problem.
An organic farm on the edge of Mumbai that’s teaching locals to grow high-quality food by working with nature. Plus: The waste pickers in Delhi growing fresh vegetables to improve their diet, and a storage sachet designed to cut food waste.
Billions of tons of waste are produced worldwide each year - with no end in sight. How can we deal with it? This week, Eco India looks at the fashion industry, a trash center that helps flowers bloom, and a big, new EV battery recycling plant.
From farmers in the Himalayan region of Ladakh managing a water crisis to the commercial forests around the world that are dying - how can we adapt to climate change and thrive? Plus: The rise of the electric rickshaw across India.
From technology to stop onions from spoiling in India's warehouses to agri-tech that connects farmers with customers - we look at ways technology is helping to revolutionize food production.
From tree huggers and tree doctors to wildlife conservationists – we meet dedicated individuals raising awareness about the importance of preserving the natural environment, and look at ways we can all help save it.
From wastewater to plant residue, plastics and textiles, waste can be transformed into a valuable resource in all sorts of ways. It just takes creative ideas, efficient recycling systems and the right kind of infrastructure.
As the ultra-rich fuel climate damage with their lifestyles, others feel the full force of the catastophe despite playing little part in it. Like India’s fishers and farmers. Will the new Indian ruling on climate justice help them?
How can we boost nutrition levels and benefit our environment too? A waste product that enriches farmland could help, as could seaweed. Children in Assam are learning to grow veggies, and an age-old fish dish has made a comeback in Tamil Nadu.
A community in Kerala collects and shares weather data to protect its members, after repeat devastation by floods. Ditching the city for rural self-reliance. Sweden proves you can slash emissions AND grow the economy! How have they done it? And: the many uses of sustainable cork in Portugal.
Fighting floods in Delhi, using regenerative farming to avert fungal infestation in the apple belt, the benefits of growing mushrooms in cities, how vermicompost can boost organic fruit and veg production and why Norway is giving up coal mining.
Chennai's women-led recycling initiative, cash incentives to repair household goods, and solar panel recycling in Germany: Eco India explores innovative solutions to waste management. Can these efforts make a real difference in reducing pollution?
Protecting rivers from flooding and pollution, making urban oases fit for the future, a seed preserver and a tree healer: Eco India looks at restoring and nurturing nature’s resources.
Tanneries seek to reduce their environmental footprint; switching to solar power in the Himalayas, what could happen if crude oil one day runs out, and why millet is making a comeback.
Climate influencers are trying to persuade Indians to embrace a low-carbon lifestyle; how fox nuts could best help Bihar farmers, exploring the potential of hydroponics and how one man is saving trees in Tamil Nadu.
From making Delhi more walkable and Germany’s north coast more robust to mangrove restoration and integrated farming: Eco India looks at protecting ourselves and the planet.
22 November 2020
Nature, Infotainment, Environment, Information
Sannuta Raghu
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