Creative Solutions for the Waste Problem

U • Nature • Infotainment • 2022

Whether its leftover food, plastic packaging or broken appliances our waste is piling up. Disposing of it properly is often a problem. However, its our responsibility to keep the Earth clean. There are different ways to do that. कचरा प्लास्टिक का हो या खाने का, दुनिया भर में कचरे का ढेर बढ़ता जा रहा है. इससे निपटना लगातार मुश्किल होता जा रहा है. लेकिन धरती को स्वच्छ रखना तो हमारी ही ज़िम्मेदारी है. और ऐसा करने के बहुत सारे तरीके हैं. धरती को कैसे बचाए जानिए आज के एपिसोड में.

Director: Sannuta Raghu

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    An Animals World

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    Watch yet another exciting episode from the Hit series called Eco India.

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    How innovative and ancient solutions can help cities

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    जैव विविधता पृथ्वी के पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र का संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए जरूरी है. ये खतरे में पड़ी प्रजातियों और जानवरों के निवास को सुरक्षित रखने और इंसानों और जानवरों को साथ जीने को संभव बनाने के लिए भी जरूरी है.

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    Environmental justice

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    NEUMapping Indias slums Sonia Phalnikar/DWPoverty is a huge hurdle to environmental justice. In Indias slums, for example, people struggle to access basic rights. Often they are held back, simply because residents may not have a clear address. A Punebased architect is changing that.NEU, Planet AWhat is climate justice Ajit Naranjan/DWClimate change is neither fair nor unfair. But there are people who are more responsible than others and people more affected than others. So whos to blame And is there a fair way to find climate justiceNEUFinding environmental justice in Kolkatas wetlands ScrollMaking more money from destroying ecosystems rather than protecting them its one of the biggest roadblocks to environmental justice. And in eastern Kolkata its threatening the wetlands and communities living in the region.WDHL DW Women, Eco India 27.11.2020Indonesias wicker entrepreneur Louise Osborne/DWA social entrepreneur in Indonesia is empowering women to return to their traditional wicker craft. It gives women financial independence and is a step towards social justice.

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    Marginalized communities and their efforts to conserve biodiversity

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    By safeguarding their ancestral lands for centuries, indignous peoples have protected our planets biodiversity. Often marginalized, these communities play a key role in caring for the Earth and its diminishing resources.

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    Promoting gender equality to strengthen climate action

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    Women bear a disproportionate burden of the climate crisis. Gender inequalities are largely to blame. We meet women tackling both the root causes and the effects of the crisis

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    Climate Change Whats at stake

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    Floods, droughts and extreme weather events are not new to the world – but climate change has increased their frequency and intensity. Scientists warn that the window to avoid a climate catastrophe is closing. There’s a lot at stake for countries around the world – including India.

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    Humans have done immense harm to natural ecosystems

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    The Earth’s vital natural ecosystems are under threat. Urbanization and agricultural expansion is largely to blame, as is humanmade climate change. But sometimes we’re given a second chance to restore what we’ve destroyed.

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    Ecology vs Economy

    17 March 2022 | 26 min

    Our earth is bountiful: her forests, soil and seas provide us with food and the natural capital our economies are built on. But everincreasing production, consumption and the relentless use of resources are fueling our biggest environmental problems. How can we balance the needs of society, our economy, and ecology

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    Fighting for food sustainability

    17 March 2022 | 26 min

    From the gardens of ancient Mesopotamia to the fields of modernday industrial farms: We’ve been producing food for millennia. But today’s patterns of consumption and production are harming people and the planet. On this edition of Eco India, we explore efforts underway to help fix our broken food system

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    Mobility & Environment

    17 March 2022 | 26 min

    Mobility is a fundamental part of our life. Traveling to work or to school, going to get basic necessities these things are essential. But at the same time, there are immense costs for the environment. A large part of the pollutant emissions worldwide are caused by traffic and transport. What solutions are there to make mobility more environmentally friendly, that is the topic of this weeks episode of Eco India.

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    Urban oases

    17 March 2022 | 26 min

    प्रकृति की गोद मे समय बिताने के फायदे जगजाहिर हैं. ये शरीर और दिमाग दोनों के लिए अच्छा हैं. शहरो मे ऐसे हरेभरे जगहों की जरूरत तो और भी ज्यादा हैं. केवल हम इंसानो के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि उस पर निर्भर जैव विविधता के लिए भी. आज के शो मे देखेंगे की इसे कैसे संभव बनाया जा रहा हैं.

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    Clean Energy

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    पूरी दुनिया जीवाश में ईंधन से अक्षय ऊर्जा की और जाने की कोशिश कर रही हैं. आज के एपिसोड में हम देखेंगे कुछ ऐसे स्मार्ट आइडियाज जो हमे इस लक्ष्य के और करीब ले जा सकते हैं.

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    Changing Traditions

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    पुरानी आदतें बदलने में वक़्त तो लगता है. लेकिन प्रदूषण और जलवायु परिवर्तन के असर को देखते हुए जरूरी हो गया है की हम अपने जीवन में बदलाव जल्द ही लाएं. आज के एपिसोड में देखिये ऐसे ही बदलावों की कुछ उम्दा मिसाले।

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    Better Building

    17 March 2022 | 25 min

    शहर फैलते जा रहे हैं. इमारतों की उंचाईं आसमान छू रही हैं और साथ ही उत्सर्जन, प्रदुषण और कचरा भी बढ़ रहा हैं. कंस्ट्रक्शन इंडस्ट्री पर्यावरण की लिहा से सस्टेनेबिलिटी का सब से कम ख्याल रखती हैं. आज के एपिसोड में जानेंगे की इमारते बनाने के और बेहतर तरीके क्या हो सकते हैं.

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    17 March 2022 | 26 min

    Every creature has a place in nature be it a predator in the jungle, an insect in the air, or plankton in the depths of the ocean. Each one is an important part of the food chain and contributes to the ecological diversity on Earth. What can we do to preserve our biodiversity



Release Date

17 March 2022


Nature, Infotainment


Sannuta Raghu